#1 Boston Newborn Photographer

Spring Mini Sessions 2018

Spring Mini Sessions are a great way to get a fast, easy updated family portrait. You’ll never regret a family portrait. You’ll only regret not having family portraits. I’ve set these mini sessions up this year as 15 minute sessions at an easy to access location. We’ll pick one spot at the location and compose a gallery of 5 images with a variety of poses. I hope you can join us in May on one of the selected days for a session!

Spring Mini Session - Mother Holding Smiling Baby - yellow blossoms in back - www.daniellebustamante.com - #springmini #nhspringminisession Spring mini sessions - mom on grass of apple orchard with daughter - www.daniellebustamante.com - #springminisessions #nhspringminisession

Spring Mini Session - Little girl holding yellow flower - www.daniellebustamante.com - #springminisessions #nhminisession Girl kissing mom apple blossoms

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