How to Swaddle your Newborn Baby – and they can’t wiggle out.
Most swaddle baby blankets that are sold in the stores are usually made of a cotton material and not very stretchy, and they’re also made into a very awkward shape and size. The ideal material to use, when swaddling a newborn is very stretchy, and rather narrow. The newborn is very small so you do not need a lot of material to effectively wrap them and re-create that womb like sensation. I recommend going to your local fabric store and searching for a cotton material that is super stretchy. T-shirt material is best. Start by using a piece of material that is roughly 24“ x 54“ in length. As a Newborn Photographer, the very first thing I focus on when a baby comes into my studio is initiating the calming reflex by swaddling the baby. Dr. Karp has done a fabulous job explaining all this in his video The Happiest Baby on the Block. I started using this method 15 years ago as a Mom and continued using it as a Professional Newborn Photographer.