#1 Boston Newborn Photographer

Baby Emma - A Baby Story

A Baby Story……. My husband and I welcomed our daughter, Emma Grace,  into the world on March 8, 2017, and we couldn’t be happier to have her in our lives. Welcoming her into the world has force my type A personality take a back seat. Motherhood has completely rocked my boat on this, in the best, most unpredictable job I could have ever asked for! Over the last 2 months I have learned some things through trial and error and wanted to share some advice, that I had heard/wish someone would have told me, for you soon to be mommies!
  1. Everyday is different!
One day the baby will love the swing and hate the swaddle; the next day the baby will hate the swing and love the swaddle. It is important to remember that your baby is learning the world and learning you, just as much as you are learning them! If something worked keep doing it! If something didn’t work, try it again and remember that each day is a new day to start fresh.
  1. Organize your nap times!
Everyone told me “sleep when the baby sleeps”. And although this is great advice, and keeping a small human alive everyday should feel like the world’s greatest accomplishment, I needed more productivity during my day. Like I said, I am a planner my nature, so I started to designated tasks to my daughter’s naps. Yes, most of them I slept when she slept but I would try to empty the dishwasher during the day, or start a load of laundry. I didn’t go crazy and clean my entire house, but being able to do small things that I could see an immediately result in, helped me feel better about the day (especially the ones where she hates the swing AND the swaddle!)
  1. Wear socks to bed!
Someone gave me this advice and it was a game changer! The reality of a newborn is you are up all the time in the middle of the night. Our daughter was born in March, so we had some chilly nights. Having a pair of socks on my feet while I was up with her, allowed me to climb back in bed and fall asleep quickly without being too cold. We are loving watching Emma grow and so happy we took the time to get her newborn photos done because she is growing so fast already!
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