Danielle Bustamante

A Baby Story - Nashua NH Newborn Portrait

“On March 13, 2017 we welcomed our newest bundle of joy, Ashlyn Kathleen Ward. Born at 7:12 PM 9 Pounds 5 Ounces and 20.25 inches! She was the biggest of our 3 children at birth and the only red head!”newborn baby girl in crochet pink romper“We fell immediately in love with her sweet personality. She was born a week past her due date we were not nervous as this was our third baby, our 1 year old was also induced so we knew what to expect.” siblings-newborn-portrait-session “On September 27, 2012 we welcomed our first Jackson William, he made me a mommy and I’ll never forget setting eyes on my handsome little boy for the first time in they moment my world stopped, and In between him and our middle child Ava Kaylin who blessed us on September 17, 2015, we had 3 miscarriages that for lack of better words were devastatingly heartbreaking, but we pushed through and are truly very blessed with our 3 munchkins! Each labor and delivery was unique as are all 3 kids.” mother-newborn-nashua-portrait “Being a mom has changed my life forever and for the absolute best! Sure some days are hard and sleepless nights but I know in 20 plus years from now I will be longing for those sleepless nights back and missing changing the dirty diapers.” newborn baby girl in handmade romper “Motherhood is a experience I will never take for granted, I love every moment of this journey and I am taking it one day at time.”